As part of Hampstead Area Water Company’s commitment to ensure the highest quality water for our customers, our water operators must perform preventive maintenance on our service lines. This maintenance is called “Flushing”. This process is done to ensure the highest quality water for our customers as well as maintain our service lines.
You will receive notices when the process will happen and may notice our Water Operators
manually releasing water from fire hydrants or blow off valves within our water system. This process allows us to flush the main water lines.
This process cleans the buildup of minerals and sediment on the inside of the water mains.
The buildup of sediment in the water lines is normal. This does not mean that your water is unsafe to drink. To help you better understand, here is a breakdown of what, where, when, why, and how we perform our water service flushing, and what you need to know before, during, and after we do it.
During this process you may experience low water pressure or discolored water. Please try and refrain from excessive use; do not run your washing machine, dishwasher or run water for long periods of time.
What we are doing
Our water operators open hydrants and blow off valves on the water mains. They flush the water mains at a high velocity. This stirs up and removes sediment from the length of the water main to ensure quality water is being provided to our customers.
Why we are doing this
Too much mineral and sediment build up can lead to decreased water flow and discolored water. Flushing the water mains protects the flow for clean water at the highest flow rate throughout the service lines.,
How long this will last
For you, the customer, this should only last a few hours as we flush past your property. We may be in the neighborhood for more than one day, but your water shouldn’t be affected for long. For us, this process can typically last between a few days to a few weeks, depending on the size of the targeted areas.
How much water we go through
The goal is to flush out as much sediment as possible without wasting too much water. The amount of water needed to flush out a water main depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the main, water pressure and the sediment build-up.
Isn’t this a waste of water?
It may seem like it, but no. In fact, it’s a necessary task utilized by all water systems as normal maintenance and service to its infrastructure to ensure safe drinking water
How does this affect me?
While HAWC is flushing your water, please try to limit your usage. Flushing can cause a shortage of water pressure with the sediments of water reaching your home. Your water will remain safe and meeting all the water quality standards.
At the end of the day once we have completed our flushing you may experience sediment or discolored water in your home. Please follow these simple steps to endure that your home lines and quality of water are not affected.
Flushing the water in your home is simple if done properly.
Customers should flush a cold tap for a few minutes, no longer than 15. Do not use a tap with a water filter connected to it because sediment could clog the filter. Do not use a hot water tap either; sediment could start flooding into your hot water tank.
Test your water by pouring it into a transparent cup or container. If the water is clear, it is acceptable to use for laundry and washing dishes. If the water from the tap doesn’t clear in five minutes, wait half an hour and try again.
If the water is still discolored after three to four hours, call our customer service line at 603-362-4299.
I want to learn more
Please feel free to call us with any questions at 603-362-4299 or send us an email at customerservice@hampsteadwater.com.