On November 24, 2020, The Hampstead Area Water Company, Inc. (“HAWC”) filed for a rate increase with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (“NHPUC”). In May 2021, HAWC, The New Hampshire Department of Energy (“NHDOE”, formerly NHPUC Staff) and the Office of the Consumer Advocate (“OCA”) reached a settlement on temporary rates that was presented to the NHPUC. On January 17, 2022, the NHPUC approved an order (# 26,566) authorizing HAWC to charge temporary rates for services billed after the date of the PUC order (1/17/22). The temporary rates will be in place until the final rate increase can be determined by the NHPUC.
Under the temporary rates all monthly base rates will be increasing. The monthly base rate charged by HAWC for customers with a 5/8” meter (most residential customers) will increase from $10.00 per month to $11.23 per month. The consumption rate will increase from $6.11 per 100cf to $6.74 per 100cf. It is estimated that this temporary rate increase will raise the average residential customer’s bill by $4.24 per month.
This temporary rate will remain in effect until the final rate is determined. Currently it is expected that the rates will be finalized in May 2022.
We at HAWC would like to express our appreciation to you; our customers. We thank you for your support while we continue improving our abilities to better serve you now and into the future.
Should you have additional questions please feel free to contact our office Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at (603) 362-4299 or by email at
customerservice@hampsteadwater.com. Or you may contact the NHPUC directly at 800-852-3793.