Blog Post

2020 Outdoor Watering Policy

Hampstead Area Water Company • April 3, 2020

This coming spring and summer, HAWC is requesting customers to strictly adhere 
to its Outdoor Watering Policy throughout the year.

Re: Reminder ‐ Outdoor Watering Policy  
As you may be aware the Hampstead Area Water Company, Inc.’s (HAWC) Atkinson and Hampstead Core system is undergoing many 
changes this year as part of the Southern NH Regional Water Project (SNHRWP). As the Core system is upgraded to incorporate the 
SNHRWP components many of the core system wells will need to be brought offline for upgrades. This will result in temporary reductions 
in yield throughout the year. This coupled with the below average precipitation throughout the winter could lead to supply concerns if 
the HAWC watering policy is not strictly adhered to. 

In an effort to reduce mandatory water use restrictions this coming spring and summer, HAWC is requesting customers to strictly adhere 
to its Outdoor Watering Policy throughout the year. Even when water supply is adequate, conservation is a wise use of an important 
resource. Conservation can contribute to a healthy environment, reduce your water bill, and ensure an adequate water supply for years 
to come.  

Customers with odd numbered addresses (i.e. ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) are asked to do outdoor watering only on odd numbered dates. 
Likewise, those with even numbered addresses (i.e. 0,2,4,6, or 8) should water lawns, gardens and shrubs, fill swimming pools, wash 
cars, etc., only on even numbered dates. 

This Watering Policy is a key element of Hampstead Area Water Company Inc.’s Water Conservation Program. Although we restrict
irrigation and lawn sprinkler usage to every other day, hand‐held hoses and watering cans will be permitted for use in your vegetable 
and flower gardens on any day. 

We would also ask that you be mindful of planting new grass and shrubbery / plantings only in times that are optimal for growth, such 
as spring and fall. 

In addition, upon charging your irrigation for the first time please identify and address any leaks in irrigation lines or heads that may 
have resulted from damage over the winter as well as over spraying from heads spraying on pavement, woods, etc. You are asked to 
set automatic irrigation systems to water between the hours of 6 pm and 6 am. Homeowners in subdivisions with common areas are
also asked to restrict watering their common areas to every other day. 

As we approach these warmer months and with more people home due to the Covid‐19 pandemic using additional water we need to 
be as pro‐active as possible to keep people mindful of adhering to the Outdoor Watering Policy.  

For more information regarding HAWC’s Outdoor Watering policy see the link below:‐

For any questions please contact the office at 603‐362‐4299 or email

If you observe violations to the watering policy, we ask that you report it right away by calling 603‐362‐4299 or emailing 

Thank you very much for your cooperation.  
HAWC Customer Service 
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